Elderly Pornographic Addiction

Pornographic addiction is not accurately described by an occasional urge to look at one or two saucy pictures now and again. It is a more serious approach; the desire to view pornographic images and an inability to stop doing so. Baby boomers in middle and old age might have taken little interest in such images in early life, yet display an obsession late in life that they cannot overcome.

How do you know if you are addicted to pornography?  It is a simple analysis of your own behaviour:  Are you able to make the choice to do something else, or does the urge to view pornography take precedence over other social activities?  Are you secretive about your interest in pornography?   Does the secrecy element contribute largely to the attraction?  Do you masturbate more often?  Do you deliberately introduce the subject of sex into general conversation? Does time slip away as you enter a world of pornographic fantasy?  If the answer to these questions is yes, you have a problem to overcome .

Baby boomers who have been recently widowed might turn to pornography in an attempt to deal with loneliness or isolation.  Although a person might not be ready to take the necessary steps to begin a social life again, pornography is something that is readily available in magazines and online, to pass the time and provide excitement without having to involve others.  It becomes harmful when the person is unable to interact normally as a result of a pornographic addiction.

For baby boomers who understand that they have a problem, there are a number of solutions that might be applied to eradicate their difficulties.  If the pornographic material is being viewed online, purchasing an efficient web blocker will help enormously.  Easy to install and password linked, it enables a third party to program a blocking facility that precludes the viewing of pornographic material.  Such applications are traditionally used to block certain sites for children but they may be used with equal effect to help adults.

Increasing the social activities of the addict is another way to help reduce the urge to view pornography.  By filling the hours that are usually set aside for pornographic entertainment, it is possible to reduce certain urges, especially when physical exercise is included.

An unhealthy interest in pornography is rarely without its drawbacks and may even affect a person’s ability to perform sexually. Baby boomers of a certain age might attribute a lack of sexual competence to progressing age when in fact the problem lies in pornographic addiction.  Elderly pornography addiction is increasing, probably due to free use of the internet and to the increased competence of the elderly in using internet tools.

As with most addictions, half the battle lies in understanding that the addiction exists in the first place and admitting that help is needed to stop.  When seeking professional help for addiction to pornography, or for any other psychological disorder, check the credentials of your psychologist carefully.