Heroin withdrawal procedure

Heroin withdrawal procedure

I have seen a whole lot of interest in heroin withdrawal lately. I see questions like how to get through heroin withdrawal at home and how to detox and the list goes on and on.

I know for a fact that heroin use is a lot more prevalent than in the past this may have something to do with the higher level of purity. I know that are economies sucks right now and the funding for rehabs is basically non existent. What this means is that more and more heroin addicts are going to be forced to kick heroin withdrawal cold turkey. Cold turkey heroin withdrawal is a bitch to put it mildly. I have gone through it personally a few times.

What cold turkey means is that you will have no medications to fall back on when your heroin withdrawal kicks and things start getting tough. There are some things that will help with this which I will get to in a minute but first lets explore how to actually kick cold turkey.

Heroin withdrawal procedure

My suggestion is that a couple of days before you plan to stop using to stay awake as much as possible. This should more than likely help you to sleep through the very worst part of your heroin withdrawal .

Next thing to do is invite a friend or relative to come stay with you during your detox they can actually make the difference whether you get clean or not and if nothing else they can be there for moral support. I think this is very important to know that someone really cares about you and are willing to be by your side during your heroin withdrawal .

Ok you can go to the drug store and pick up some Motrin to help with cramping and headache, Benadryl for sleep and something for diarrhea. Now you are all set to do your heroin withdrawal at home. Just remember it will not be easy but you can do it. above all do not give up and use.

Good luck