How to Stop Smoking Pot Without Relapse

Relapse is a dirty word, a backsliding into addiction from a position of confidence and strength which unfortunately so many people working out how to stop smoking pot fall prey to. What causes someone who may be so strong one week to break their vows and fall back into habitual pot smoking and can it be avoided?

Why people relapse can be a complicated question. Social pressures, sudden new stress, depression and many other factors can break the fragile division between quitter and addict if they have not fully broken the chains addiction. However one common factor which can be changed in these situations is that when someone who gives in and smokes a few joints out of stress they feel like it was all for nothing and they have failed. This is the real danger, it is like running a race and if you trip you run ALL that way back to start again rather than dusting yourself off and continuing to the finish line!

This is what people looking to stop smoking pot must realize, that if you stumble you are not out of the race! If you give in just once it does not mean you should keep smoking and feel miserable until you worked up the courage to try to quit again. Instead say this:

"That was a mistake, I see that now and I have learned from this experience."

This can enable you to move past any slight problem because a few bumps on the road to freedom should not be considered relapses as this implies total loss of control. You are in control even if the path is rough as long as you DO learn from that experience and do not repeat it again!

For more on how to stop smoking pot that delves further into the psychological issues that cement addiction into peoples lives you need a guide by someone who has been in your position and walked a mile in your shoes.

Such a guide exists and the Kick Addiction site has done a review of this best selling guide!

The Cannabis Coach Review