Overcoming pornography addiction is no less difficult than any other type of addiction. It may as well be even more difficult since pornographic satisfaction is achieved simply by turning on the computer and browsing the internet. With easy access in front of you, the temptation is much harder to resist. However, the ability to resist your cravings is ever present. It simply needs a good boost. To start you off on your way to overcome your addiction to porn, here are a few things you'll need to succeed.

Temptation Be Gone

The presence of porn is what makes it more difficult to resist than any other addiction. Remove the temptation to reduce the chances of giving in to the urge. Rid your computer drives of porn. Any other pornographic materials should be kept out of reach if not thrown away. You may not have porn on your computer and you may be watching it from over the internet. Remove these sites from their bookmarks and take off your subscriptions if there are any.

Put a parental block on your computer by either downloading software from the internet, or simply by setting it up on your operating system. Have someone set up a password so you will no longer have access to porn. If there is no temptation, there is nothing to resist. Moreover, if there is no way to submit to temptation, you can't give in even if you wanted to.

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Know Your Addiction

More often than not, a craving is a response to a particular trigger. Find this trigger and understand it. Why do you want to watch porn? Are you just bored? Are you finding a release? Are you sexually frustrated? These things can help you go a long way in your journey to overcoming your addiction.

Prevention Is The Best Cure

As a porn addict, you may have already said that porn isn't the one to blame, it's you. Perhaps you are right. You find porn as an irresistible method of temporarily giving you satisfaction over your frustrations or problems in life. Now that you don't have porn to help you, try to determine what you can do so you won't have to respond to a stimulus. For instance, if you are bored, find something else to do. Without these triggers, no urge will surface.

Think of your willpower as an engine. The three points above are pieces that make up the engine. Without them, your willpower will not work the way it's supposed to work. In overcoming pornography addiction, you will need to have a strong willpower to resist the urges.