What Can I Do To Help An Alcoholic

What can I do to Help an Alcoholic

How to help an alcoholic is a question many relatives and friends of alcoholics ponder. Alcoholism is a serious disease and should never be taken lightly. Trying to control an alcoholic by giving manipulation or threats rarely ever works out well as the alcoholic most likely will just isolate themselves more and drink more.

Instead of manipulation and threats as a way of how to help an alcoholic it is suggested that you talk to the alcoholic in a caring and understanding manner. Let them know you are there for them and provide suggestions and opinions on how to go about helping them change their behavior and quit drinking. For example, you can suggest that they enter a treatment center that will help them analyze why they drink and how to quit drinking. If the alcoholic is not ready to go to treatment then they are just simply not ready. Pressure will not work in this situation as the person needs to want to live a sober lifestyle for him or herself.

Some other suggestions on how to help an alcoholic is to simply quit the enabling. If you help them every time they need it this will only delay their getting the help they need that much longer.

If they need a ride to the bar or money for their liquor, do not give in and help them out. They need to know that they've gotten themselves into this situation and they need to take responsibility for their actions. If their drinking lands them in jail do not bail them out no matter what kind of sob story they tell you. The best advice that counselors give families is that they should detach the actual person from the disease. Be there for an alcoholic but don't let them or their disease control you or your lifestyle. You need to remember to take into account your own limits and boundaries!