What's The Best Way To Overcome Dilaudid Addiction

What's the best way to Overcome Dilaudid Addiction

In my experience working at a Hospital I see a lot of patients trying to overcome Dilaudid Addiction. The person has to be ready to do this on there own. Dilaudid is a pain medication highly addictive it's eight times stronger than Morphine. Dilaudid is known as Heroin. It is only available by prescription. It can come in many forms such as pill, liquid, and intravenous.

The person that has this drug intravenously will probably always do it this way because of the rush and high they get, it works much faster and lasts a lot longer. This medication is very addicting so it will have dilaudid withdrawal symptoms that include sweats, insomnia, tremors, and anxiety. With these dilaudid withdrawals it can be dangerous to stop taking this medication all at once. In some cases stopping cold turkey could cause cardiac arrest.

The best way to overcome this would to get into a treatment center that has trained staff and trained Physicians that monitor 24 hours a day. A residential center also offers detox that has nurses and doctors around the clock. They also provide patients with a step by step program to stay clean and overcome their dilaudid addiction . Once the patient goes through the treatment center and residential center there is always an outpatient rehab.

The only difference between these programs is the outpatient doesn't have 24 hour monitoring. The big thing with outpatient treatment is you will be around others like you who have easy access to drugs because of this they may be using and try to get you started using again. Another thing is you have to attend meetings 3 to 4 times a week. This is a good thing though because it will get you around others who are clean and can help you maintain long lasting sobriety. You also get to go home which is great because you will have home cooked meals and you will not stay in inpatient