Smoking weed may not be as strong as heroine, cocaine, or ice, it is not even linked to any fatal disease like cancer and heart diseases brought about by smoking cigarette, but it had tallied a lot of ruined life over time.  You may have individualized reason for wanting to know how to quit pot for the rest of your life, whatever it is, I hope this 4 ways may be of help to your goal of living a better life.

Below are four tips on how to quit pot and get rid of marijuana addiction forever.

1. Understand your addiction

First step is to know thoroughly what your addiction is all about.  As you have noticed marijuana does not have addictive chemicals like nicotine that gives you physical cravings.  Mental addiction is the type of addiction involved in marijuana.  This means that there are no physical or chemical needs to smoke weed, but instead it is the mind set you have that you need it, it serves as your comfort zone, and the high you get feels great and you don't want to let it slip away; this is what you called a psychological need.

2. Understand your psychological need

Once you were able to understand that your addiction evolves from a psychological need then it is time to understand that need.  Is marijuana a way to get away from reality?  A cure to boredom?  Is it a way to get along with my friends?  The reasons of being addict have many faces and unveiling it will allow you to be free.

3. Find something to replace your addiction

This doesn't mean to get another addictive agent!  This only means that you have to find a good coping ability while in the process of quitting as replacing the urge to smoke pot.  Looking for a creative and satisfying activity to fill in the need can lead to a better outcome.

4. Develop your will to quit

As stated earlier, marijuana is not chemically driven; therefore the quitting process will all rely on self discipline.  This doesn't indicate that if you feel the urge to quit pot again you have weak willpower.  Psychological addiction is so strong especially with people who have used it for years.  It will all depends on your own interventions and with the support system you get, pot "patches" are to no avail.

How to quit smoking pot is much easier said than done,yet it is possible to stop smoking weed if you understand your addiction and take necessary action to address these problem.  Address it with willpower and the motivation to succeed, in this way there is no doubt you can do it!

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