How To Control Your Gambling Cravings

Before you can begin to move forward to control your gambling cravings you must first be honest with yourself and admit that you do in fact have a gambling problem. This is the first and probably the most important step, admitting to yourself that you have a gambling problem.    Once you have accepted this fact you can then start taking positive action to control your gambling cravings. One thing you should do is start changing your regular routine, for instance if you know that you are accustomed logging onto the internet at a certain time to play at your favorite online casino, as that time approaches you should find something else to do to keep you occupied.   Perhaps you can invite an old friend or family member to dinner or perhaps a movie, anything out of the ordinary that would keep you occupied during those crucial hours. Spending time with family and friends is a good way to distract yourself from the cravings and of course you'll probably focus intently on what they're saying to keep yourself distracted so they'll come away thinking you're a great listener!

Set some limits for yourself.   Start by setting a limit as to the amount of money you can afford to gamble with at each gambling session. This will help you manage your finances a lot better and you won't feel so pressed to continue gambling hoping to win back that grocery money you have just lost. This is one of the biggest mistakes gambling addicts make: they dip into finances that are set aside for other things and when they find that they have lost all or nearly all of those funds, they feel compelled to continue playing in the hopes that they will win back at least a portion of those funds. Once you have set a limit on how much money you are able to spend at any given gambling session stick to it no matter if you are on a winning streak or losing terrible.  Log off once your allotted cash has gone.

Now that you have your finances all organized it is time to set up a time play limit.   Set a time limit for how long you can reasonable play for each day, whether it is one, two or three hours.   Once your time limit is in place you should make every effort to stick to that limit.   When the time limit is up you should log off, without hesitating a moment.   No matter if you are winning or losing or if you still have cash left in your account, the main thing here is sticking to your plan, just log off when the time is up, and make no excuses.   Be patient as time goes on your gambling cravings will reduce as you find yourself spending fewer hours on those online casino websites. Fill that time with a new hobby or even a new romance if you think this will distract you even more and if you're already married then why not wine and dine the wife or hubby, establish a date night, act like the relationship is still new, after all he or she has probably been feeling a little neglected because of your gambling habit.  In time you will be able to take full control of your gambling habits.