Rigorous Honesty

I went to an exceptional meeting recently, it was all about rigorous honesty. Those having their first go Alcoholics Anonymous and so many who have been in it for quite a while, think you must begin with this highly developed degree of rigorous honesty. I believe we have to be realistic about this. What drunk only 1 day sober is actually able to be rigorously honest about anything?

Rigorous honesty comes about as a practice. As we go to meetings, talk to other alcoholics, go to meetings, study the Big Big Book together with the Big Book, give priority to meetings, pray and meditate and show up at meetings, do our best to be as honest as we can that day, then tomorrow, once we go to a meeting we can be even more rigorously honest.

Did I mention the importance of attending meetings? You might struggle to be very honest, however, you can attend meetings and discover how to be honest.

That's been my experience anyway. In other words my individual know how in Alcoholics Anonymous has been that I grew in honesty as I increased in sobriety. That been my observation for over 10 years. I've seen people come in and I'd realize they were not really being entirely honest.

I think that possibly they were being as honest as they could be. As time went on I'd see either the development of the capacity to be honest, or continous lying and going out and getting drunk. I don'tbelieve in my entire AA career I have observed anybody be continually dishonest and stay sober.