Is There A Way To Stop Drinking Alcohol

Are you sick and tired of drinking? Is it taking total control of your life and you cant enjoy life because everything you do has to be about drinking? Let me tell you my story. First my name is Anthony and I have three children and a wife. I started drinking when I was 11 years old so that means I have been drinking for 25 years. That's a long time when your only 36 years old.

It just took over my life, it started small at frist when I was in my twentys but after my frist wife left me that's when I got real bad. It was nothing for me to drink a 5th of Jack and a 12 pack behind that. All i wanted to do was drink and party,even if I was alone. Being alone did not bother me as long as I had my fix. The bad thing is it was wrecking my life and I did not even see it. I could not keep a job to save my life because I was to drunk to care most of the time.

But one day I found Jesus Christ and I prayed for him to help me and save me from this Hell I was living. I knew if I died I would not make it to heaven. If you look in Galatians chapter 5:21 it says "Envying, murders,drunkenness, revelling, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such thingsshall not inherit the kingdom of God".

Jesus Christ is the key to true happiness. You can look for some Dr. to give you pills that make you sick if you drink but that does not fix the problem. You can try to quit on your own but you will be back to it again in a week or so. Jesus Christ is the only way to be free from this demon that has you as a slave to sin. I know because Jesus Christ healed me from it and I dont need it anymore.

Sure I think about it sometimes but God gives me the strengh to stay away from it. So if you are in a bad fix then the only way to freedom it to go to Jesus and ask him to come in your life. I will show you how to get saved and I have good Bible studies for you. You must want this with a true heart or you will fall. Jesus will not make you serve him, you have freedom to follow the light or darkness. It's all up to you, if you do really want freedom then you must become his child and the only way to do this is to let him in your heart. He will fix you and give you what you need. Visit my website here