Many of us are getting addicted with online social networking websites like myspace, facebook, twitter, orkut, friendster, etc. It is an addiction, which will one day become as bad as alcoholism. Lives will be destroyed because of this disease and families will break up. Am I joking or what? No, I am very serious about this issue that will soon takeover as the main cause of lifestyle issues. Are you one who will get affected by social networking? Let us find out.
How much of your time is spent on social networks? How much of your time is devoted to useful work that is of quality and gives you material results? How much is your total work time? How much time do you spend with your friends and family? Make a estimate and write it down. Now find out how much of your time is spent on social networking sites every week? At what percentage level should you get worried? This exercise will tell you about your time spending habits and may also give some clue about relationship strength, work achievement and other such issues.
How many social networks have you joined? There are about hundred social networking sites that have substantial membership. Are you a member of only one site that you had joined when you began or do you join every new network that pops up? Do you keep a track of which network is doing well and shift there immediately or keep your faith in your old network? There are people who join networks because somebody said that it was most popular. Some join a website because a friend joined it. Some join a website because it is a subject specific. All of us have our own reasons to join a social network. Before changing sites or adding more ask one simple question - what do I wish to achieve on this network? Is it to connect with friends? Is it to develop business? Or is it only for some fun? And ask another question- does my goal help improve my lifestyle?
In the second part of this article, we will look closer at the goals we hope to achieve by joining social networks.