Computer Addiction - Getting Rid of it

I want you to stop reading for just a minute and ask yourself, "Is my computer addiction ruining my life?" You will agree with me that the presence of  twitter, facebook and other social networking sites one can't help updating his status on his account (otherwise known as wall,) chatting with friends etc.

Sometimes we do multi tasking while in our work places with the excuse of the quote, "too much work with less play makes Jack a dull boy." The cost of internet access and computers has fallen quite a bit over the years and is now within the reach of most people. Computers serve useful functions. They can be used for doing homework, keeping in touch with people who are far from us and doing home based businesses. However, the majority of people use the computer for other things like endless surfing.

Computers can give useful information as to what your thoughts are. This can disrupt normal family life. Computer addiction is very real and it has ruined relationships. It has revealed to some married and unmarried couples how their partners have become good players in away matches.

Some people come home from work and head straight to their computers. They barely speak to their spouse. Checking email becomes more important than maintaining healthy relationships with loved ones. Before long the spouses spends all of their spare time sitting in front of the computer screen rather than interacting with their family. Computer addiction causes other family members to feel neglected and unloved. If the problem is not corrected, it can lead to divorce.

Teens are also highly susceptible. They would rather spend time online instead of hanging out with their real life friends. Some are addicted to online games, but others get hooked on internet messaging, online forums or social sites. This is dangerous because they may neglect their homework. Computer addiction makes them to have poor grades which can't take them anywhere.

Take an honest look at yourself. Have you gotten to the point where you spend more time sitting in front of your computer in the evening than you interact with your kids or your spouse? If so, consider you have computer addiction.

To find out, when you come home from work tomorrow, don't touch your computer at all and see how you feel. Do you miss it; do you feel anxious or agitated? Do you constantly have an urge to flip on your computer? If so, it is time to think about what is important in your life.

Alter your behavior by devoting most of your time in doing important things like being with your family and friends. It may not be necessary throwing your computer out of the window but by Learning how to use it in a moderation way.