A Look at the Various Stages of Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a progressive disease that will show the symptoms of loss of control, dysfunction in various parts of organs and so on. Alcoholism is studied via four stages. Such stages of alcoholism are described below:

First stage of alcoholism:

In the first stage of alcoholism, drinking will become a way to escape stress and problems. The drinker will experience some mood altering effects. In this stage, the person will increase the amount of drinking in order top get full content. He will begin to drink daily. Some symptoms of first stage of alcoholism are as follows:

1. The drinker will always look for an opportunity to drink heavily.'
2. Drinking will not be social but will become essential to get rid of emotional problems and stress.
3. He will drink more frequently and that too in larger amounts.
4. His body gets used to alcohol. As a result his body develops increasing tolerance.

Second stage of alcoholism:

In the second stage, the need for drinking will become tremendous. As tolerance increases, the drinker will not drink for releasing stress but because of his\her dependence for alcohol. However this stage will be noticed by family members or close friends. In this stage the drinker will start drinking early in the day. He\she will feel it impossible to quit drinking at this stage. The drinker will show some physical symptoms like block outs, hangovers, and stomach problems and so on.

Alcoholic behaviors in the second stage:

1. The drinker will not be able to quit drinking.
2. He\she will blame others for his\her difficulties.
3. The tolerance level of the body to alcohol will increase.
4. The drinker will seek extra drink than others in any social events.
5. Loss of control.
6. The drinker may face increasing health issues.

Third stage of alcoholism:

In this stage the loss of control will become more severe. The drinker will start experiencing financial, legal and employment problems. He\she will lack interest in any hobbies which used to give him\her pleasure before. Some behaviors of the alcoholic in this stage are as follows:
1. The drinker will forget about his commitments and promises.
2. Some violent behavior may persist.
3. The drinker will need little food or sometimes neglect food.
4. He may experience adverse financial and work problems.
5. Eye openers are required in this stage for awakening.
6. The drinker will avoid family members and friends.

Fourth stage of alcoholism:

This is the final stage of Alcoholism. The drinker will start drinking early in the day and will continue to drink throughout the day. He will frequently get into heavy drinking and will remain in the situation for several days. The drinker will experience tremendous shakes in hands if he tries to quit drinking. He will get severe disorders in nervous system. Liver problems will arise. Brain dysfunction may also occur since the brain cells would get damaged by alcohol. The drinker will face the problem of dysfunction in almost all parts of the body. He will also face the problem of impaired thinking. He may experience impaired vision. In short, the final stage in alcoholism is a horrible way to die.

The alcohol dependant therefore should understand the consequences of alcoholism. He\she must determine at what stage he\she is at present. This is the first step towards treatment to alcoholism.