Stop Smoking Marijuana Now: Overcome The Obstacles That Stop Most From Quitting

If you are trying to stop smoking marijuana not having much success, you may not be aware of a number of obstacles in your way which are preventing you from quitting. Becoming aware of these obstacles and how they prevent you from quitting marijuana can make your efforts to stop smoking marijuana easier.

The first thing that may hurt your efforts to stop smoking marijuana is your attitude towards the drug, especially if you have smoked for a long time. Are you quitting because YOU want to, or are you trying to please your parents, spouse, or employer? If you are not 100% committed to quitting, you will struggle to stop smoking marijuana.

What does it mean to be un-committed? Do you lie and tell yourself that you will quit as soon as your current baggie is empty? Have you held on yo all your one hitters, bongs pipes and other smoking paraphernalia? Are you still hanging out with friends that smoke dope?

All of these examples show a lack of commitment to quitting and will cause you to struggle to stop smoking marijuana. But don't be too hard on yourself. It likely took months or years to shape your view of the drug and just being aware of how you view it will help you to stop smoking marijuana.

To successfully stop smoking marijuana you'll need to drop popular culture's view of the drug as a non-addictive, safe, consequence free drug. Your ability to stop smoking marijuana will depend on your ability to view the drug as an addictive substance that is having a negative impact on your life.

The chemical nature of the drug itself is another thing that may cause problems when you try to stop smoking marijuana. It is the only major recreational drug whose active components build up in fat tissue. THC and its metabolites build up in your system over time and create the well known aside effects of marijuana use. This also creates cravings to smoke more weed and a tolerance to the drug that causes you to smoke more pot more frequently. Finally after you stop smoking marijuana you may experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that drive you back to smoking.

Using a program to stop smoking marijuana that also inlcudes a detox program to remove THC from your system will greatly improve your chances of success. Surprisingly, none of the well known or more conventional systems to stop smoking marijuana include such a detox program. The intensity of the withdrawal may make you start to smoke again.