The World Wide Al-Anon Meetings

Al-Anon is an organization that gives support to people seeking help for someone with a drinking problem, irrespective of whether the person with the problem asks for help. For all you know he may not even realize that he has a problem. An alcoholic is said to have an influence on the lives of at least three or four other people.

Those who participate in the meetings, give and take solace and sympathy through a series of experiences and hope that are exchanged between the participants. They learn about how the philosophy and the values of Al-Anon can be made practical in their own lives.

The Group meetings are open to anyone who feels that an alcoholic has had an effect your life. The ALATEEN meetings are Al-Anon meetings for the younger group like teenagers and young adults. At these meetings you are made to understand that alcoholism is a disease and that it is not easy to prevent a person from developing it. But they do have faith that if you can change your attitude towards an alcoholic your own life will definitely take a turn for the better.

Al-Anon is not a religious organization, nor is an Al Anon meeting conducted as counseling program. In a meeting members share and exchange their experiences with confidentiality and anonymity. Typically a meeting commences with someone talking on a specific topic and from there on members talk about how this topic is connected to their lives. There is no compulsion for member to speak, but talking about your experiences is encouraged at Al-Anon Meetings.

All meetings are independent of each other. During some meetings inputs on some special topics are offered, while in the 'open meetings' members can voice their opinions and ask for information on any related subjects.

Al Anon meetings are of various kinds, like Parents meetings, Women's meetings, Babysitting meetings: where babysitting is available free of cost, Steps meeting: where focus is on one or more of the Al-Anon steps etc. Al-Anon meetings are held in all almost all communities and you will find a list of Al Anon information services that will give you an idea of upcoming meetings being held locally. These meetings are also available on the internet for those who are unable to attend them or if you do not have a meeting in your locality.

You can save yourself and your near and dear ones of any addiction problems by joining the alanon meetings . You can view more such quality products at