Is Pornography Addiction Responsible For Making Ted Bundy A Serial Killer?

Ted Bundy violently murdered 40 women in the 1970’s. In his final interview, just before his execution, he calmly and intelligently describes how pornography contributed to his violent tendencies, turning him from a regular boy into a psychopath. In his very last interview, he warned us of the danger of porn as a tremendous risk to our society. It is frightening!  And twenty years later, not only has no one heeded the call of one of the most dangerous psychopaths in US history, it's become much worse.

Ted Bundy came of age prior to the Internet. he did not grow up with a computer in his room or 24/7 access to hardcore porn. His porn habit required great effort. His need to hide the hardcore adult content habit took planning. The kind of content and images he was exposed to, the things he attributes his violence to -- our children and teenagers can see today as easily as they can watch The Simpsons –any time, in any home.

The interview with Bundy is not gruesome. Ted is a clean cut, eloquent, calm speaker. He talks about his fellow inmates and warns that most violent criminals he has met in prison were users of hardcore pornography.

It's worth watching this college educated charismatic murderer talk - as a a reminder of how careful we need to be in keeping control over what our children and families are being exposed to. The generation growing up right now, plugged in for  endless hours, seeing things we once could not have imagined would be accessible to the public, are likely going to be a generation plagued by Internet addictions such as porn and gambling addiction.

Watch Ted Bundy talk about porn addiction in this short video.