How to Quit Smoking Marijuana - Creating Support

Having support when you are trying to quit any addiction, habit or change your life in any way is a major factor in success. How to quit marijuana becomes a lot more difficult therefore if your friends and family are either not supportive or do not know of the impending journey you are about to undertake!

One problem many people giving up marijuana give themselves is to not actually seek out a support network and create the level of social endorsement and help they might need to stop smoking pot altogether. This, like quitting weed is possible to do no matter how hard it seems.

A few ways to achieve a support network to see you through:

Ask you Partner for assistance to Quit Marijuana- This may be the first place many people go but it is surprising how often smokers will try to hide this from the closest person in the world to them! Perhaps it is because your habit has been hidden from them and you do not want them to know you are addicted. Maybe they too are heavy pot users and you fear they will ridicule you over your decision? IT does not matter, without support from a lover this will be very hard. Tell them, fess up but make sure you do not ever make them think that this is their fault or that they are wrong in what they do ... make this about a personal choice you want to make for yourself and you just want them to be supportive and help when they can.

Find the Right Friends- Many marijuana smokers have an extended network of friends ... who all smoke pot too! This can be difficult as the temptation to smoke with them will be strong and avoiding them will make you feel isolated. This is where you find your real friends. Again do not make your choice to quit smoking weed a judgment on them but you do need to let your smoker friends know that you want to quit for reasons personal to you and you just want them to be aware and supportive of this decision. Many who do this honestly find they will gain a lot more support than they thought and the ones that don't understand or help, well you now know who your real buddies are.

Online Support- There are many forums and places on the net where you can join up and speak to people going through the same problems as you are and many more who have found out how to quit smoking marijuana and will impart great advice. While these are not people you can see or converse with face to face that interaction can be very helpful especially as a first step if you find it hard to get support from friends and family.

How to quit smoking marijuana is more than just support of course, you will need a strong willpower and a DESIRE to be pot free or you will just end up disappointing those who supported you for so long. This will come from knowing the real reasons behind your psychological addiction to the drug and ways that you can change your thinking to defeat it!

So for more tips on how to quit weed click below to find out how to stop living life in a haze and how to make the most of your life from now on!
Quit Smoking Marijuana & Regain Your Freedom!