Recovery From Binge Eating -- Learning Moderation

Moderation can be more difficult to learn and practice than abstinence.

The first step, especially if you are overweight or obese, is to see a physician. Your doctor will perform an exam so that any physical issues can be addressed during recovery. Your doctor will probably recommend that you also consult with a nutritionist to develop an eating plan.

Serious binge eaters may elect to go into treatment. There are facilities throughout the world that specialize in treating eating disorders. A treatment center will evaluate you and, if you are accepted into the program, will provide you with education, treatment and therapy to help you begin a program of recovery. Many treatment centers include participation in a twelve-step program as a component of treatment, and outpatient therapy may be suggested as a part of treatment aftercare.

A benefit of inpatient treatment is that you can begin your recovery in a safe place where you'll be monitored by professionals and able to connect with others having the same addiction. The cost of treatment can be expensive but, in many cases, is covered by insurance. The more serious your problem, the more likely it is to be covered by insurance.

Recovery from binge eating after treatment depends on you. How committed are you to your recovery? Are you willing to follow suggestions and do whatever it takes to be free of the addiction? Learning and practicing moderation with regard to food requires a complete change of lifestyle and, while difficult, it can certainly be done.

Support Groups

Whether you join Overeaters Anonymous or become part of another group, a network of support with others sharing the same problem is essential to recovery. The most common cause of failure in addiction recovery is thinking you can do it by yourself. You can't. Letting go of a food addiction will present you with feelings you've been avoiding by binging out. These feelings can easily cause you to relapse. Bonding with others and recovering together is the way you'll learn to practice a new lifestyle successfully.

Working Out

Regular exercise will help you to feel good about yourself, give you a feel-good endorphin rush, and decrease the desire to binge. Whether you visit a gym, walk for 30 minutes or perform a workout routine at home doesn't matter, as long as you build at least 3-5 workouts into every week. If you like dancing, consider a class. You'll have fun, meet others, and get a workout too.

Even a successful recovery program can include slips. If you violate your food plan, don't beat yourself up. Just get back on track. Don't think of yourself as being on a food plan forever, even when that is your goal. Eventually, you'll see the food plan as normal and it'll no longer feel like deprivation. Remember, too, that you don't have to do it "forever." Just doing it today is enough.