Severe Candida Overgrowth - Eliminate A Severe Candida Overgrowth In 3 Steps!

If you suffer from a severe candida infection then I have 3 steps to suggest that you need to take heed of if you wish to completely cure and eliminate your candida. Most importantly you need to be willing to take responsibility for your health, many people when dealing with something as devastating as candida do. Just don't be surprised if you end up with far worse health because you relied on your doctors advice and either did nothing or just took drugs to reduce symptoms.

The Top 3 Things to Do when Faced with a Severe Candida Infection

Dietary Changes -This is absolutely mandatory if you wish to achieve complete elimination of a candida overgrowth from your body. Without hesitation all form of sugar and refined flour must be out of your diet as they will directly feed candida and prevent you from ever recovering no matter how many other natural therapies or treatments you try.

Anti-Fungal Therapy -This includes using herbs such as garlic and oregano in relatively moderate to high doses on a consistent basis to destroy excessive candida growth in the body. A great start to any candida elimination protocol begins with a cleaned up diet and anti-fungal therapy, however this is only the beginning.

Address Root Problems -Candida overgrowths only occur in certain individuals for a reason. As much as a poor diet or taking anti-biotics repeatedly can cause candida there is far more that can allow for it to become a severe chronic infection. This includes heavy metal toxicity, parasites and most importantly underlying immune problems such as severe food and environmental allergies that chronically suppress the immune system, allowing for candida to virtually dominate the health of an individual.