My obsession

I know most people have some kind obsession or another. I envy those who don't. While my obsession is not rare, the way I obsess certainly is. It's crazy, I know. But I can't help it. I feel strange even talking about it. But I thought once I write about it, laugh about it, maybe it will help me get it out of my system.

Ok, here it is. It's about my hair. For those who know me, you'll say "I didn't even notice it". That's right. That's my kind of hair. You don't notice it. Because it's neither straight nor curly(it's wavy), it's neither black nor brown(cause I color it); it's neither short nor long. But no matter what it is, it is just NOT right! And my whole life is about making it right. Not literally. No. It doesn't mean I spend a lot of money or time on it. It just means that I feel that if I could only get my hair to magically be the way I want it to be(which is straight, black & long), everything in my life would be perfect!

If the world were to behave according to my laws, it would all depend on how perfect your hair is. Imagine you go the US citizenship interview. You do everything right. You go there on time, you present all the correct documents, you answer all the questions. But there is one thing. Your hair, the officer takes one look at it and says "Sorry, can't give it to you, it's your hair, it's just not right". I would totally understand!

At work, it's the last day of the month. You are just not able to meet your target. You HAVE to get this right or there is the danger of losing your job. But there's nothing much for you to do. If the call doesn't come, the sale doesn't happen. It's almost evening. You wait for that ONE call that is going to make it happen for you. It doesn't come. Then, you head for the bathroom, comb your hair and get back to your seat, THEN the phone rings and you got it! The sale is complete & you've met your target!

Or your son falls sick. You take him to the doctor. You give him all the right medicines. You let him rest. Still no improvement. Finally frustrated, you go wash my hair and set it and bingo, he's out of the bed and playing! (Could only happen in my world).

Imagine every facet of life, like the Olympics, the Presidential race & even day to day things like who gives right of way on the road, to who is the best cook, to who gets promoted at work all depended on hair and how perfect it is on a given day!

It was all ok when it was just me. Now it is extending to those around me! With my son I am "Noah, if you don't comb your hair, no girl in your class is ever gonna look at you" (He's in pre-school and 3 years old for God's sake!). It extends to my daughter "Zara, let me put this bow in your hair, otherwise the babysitter won't think you're cute". And as I advance, armed with the brush towards my hubby, he turns around and says "You don't want the babysitter to think I am cute, do you?". I smile & put the brush away.

So, what's your obsession?