The Background and Basics of Benzodiazepine Addiction

Originally developed for medicinal use as a tranquilizer, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant, benzodiazepine soon became infamous for its addictive properties and problems associated with withdrawal. Benzodiazepine addiction is now internationally rampant, and benzodiazepines are classified as Schedule IV controlled drugs. They are commonly prescribed for treatment of insomnia and anxiety. However, their classification under the least restrictive schedule makes them more appealing to some addicts, and increases their potential as gateway drugs to other, more dangerous substances.

Additionally, poly-drug users that also abuse benzodiazepines have a higher mortality rate. Their combination with legal drugs and substances such as antibiotics, contraceptives and anti-fungal agents can lead to excessive drug accumulation.

Withdrawal symptoms can appear in as little as three weeks of continuous use. Symptoms of withdrawal commonly associated with this type of drug include insomnia, tremors, muscle spasms, fearfulness, and more. In some cases, it leads to depression and suicidal behavior.

Benzodiazepine addiction has many other side effects such as violence, impulsivity, irritability as well as memory loss that can induce complete anterograde amnesia, which is the loss of the ability to create new memories. Long-term effects include the loss of sex drive, agoraphobia, anxiety and depression.

The main problems with this type of drug are the developments of tolerance and dependence. However, tolerance only builds against the beneficial effects of drugs as tranquilizers, anticonvulsants and muscle relaxants. Tolerance does not build against memory loss and the paradoxical effects.

Dependence can present itself as a psychological or physical condition. Around 23% of users become addicted to benzodiazepines after just three months of use. Those that take even just the prescribed doses and don't increase their usage, make up the largest category of people addicted to benzodiazepines.

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12 Visions International is an online recovery website that offers alternative treatment methods that reduce the personal and social burdens of presenting oneself at a treatment center. The company uses various Internet tools to help substance dependent individuals get over alcohol, sex, gambling, codependence, benzodiazepine addiction and more. For treatment, visit or call 877-999-1284.