Addicted to Procrastination

If there is a way to put work off until the last moment, I know about it. I have been using various procrastination techniques for many years and some of the best are the most obvious, but there are many different ways to put something off and you can’t really go wrong with whatever you choose. Here are three of the techniques that I have used to successfully procrastinate my way through life.

  1. Video Games. Yes, this may seem like a cop out, but I don’t care what you think! Whether it is getting to the next level, beating the next boss or trying out the next race, there are many ways that video games have induced procrastination for me. I’ve never stopped to think about it before, but I never procrastinated on a video game… makes you think huh? Not really. One of the most procrastinating inducing games I have ever played is Gran Turismo. I am a big car guy and could spend hours testing out various cars, taking photos and seeing how my tuning affected the next race. I would much rather do this any day of the week than do school work.
  2. Television. This is probably the Granddaddy of all procrastination. I’m not sure how people procrastinated before the advent of the television to be honest. Did they just read one more article in the paper or another chapter of a book? I don’t know, but it sounds boring to me. With TV though, and especially if you have cable, you can find just about anything to grab your interest. Of personal interest when trying to get out of doing work was COPS. This show is an oldie but a goodie because you never know what sort of dumb crap is going to happen next. Will it be a drunk guy, or a prostitute? Who knows, let’s watch and find out.
  3. Stores. When I was in college I was always trying to find any reason to get out and go to the store. In the middle of a big term paper? “Let’s go to Target.” Studying for a final? “Anyone need anything at Wal-Mart? They’re open 24 hrs.” Taking an online quiz that has to be done in about 5 minutes? “I wonder if I could put a train horn on my car?” And so on and so forth.

Basically, if there is anything that can grab your attention for even a modicum of an ounce of a bit of a nanosecond, take it. That is how you truly and completely procrastinate and those are three of my favorites.