Quitting Dilaudid Can Be Difficult

Quitting Dilaudid can be difficult

Are you, a friend, or a loved one trying to find out how to overcome dilaudid addiction? For the person that is addicted, the first and most important hurdle is admitting they have an addiction problem. And the second hurdle is willing to seek & accept help from addiction professionals.

Almost always an addict will tell themselves they can conquer their addiction alone, without the help of professionals. However statistically, when an addict attempts self detoxification to discontinue the use of dilaudid without the aid of professional help, statistics show the results are not long lasting.

Research has shown that long term addiction, to dilaudid causes substantial changes in the way the brain functions, and are present long after the addiction is stopped. An addict needs more then just strong will power when trying to overcome dilaudid addiction of any kind. A drug addict will be battling cravings for their drug of choice, changes in their brain functions, and re-stimulation of there past. Withdrawal symptoms may last for months. Trying to overcome the use of dilaudid addiction without professional help would be an uphill battle, and one that is sure to be lost.

Dilaudid is 8 times more potent on a milligram basis than morphine. It is sold on our streets every day, commonly called "drug store heroin". And it is the cause of a high mortality rate among our teens.

Seek professional help using the terms: Dilaudid detox center, rehab, treatment, addiction treatment, addiction counseling, in-patient treatment, and out-patient-treatment.

One way a person can actually beat this drug is by entering what is known as diaudid addiction treatment. If you choose to go this route you will be medically detox from dilaudid by a staff of trained professionals. They will use prescription medications like suboxone to help make you more comfortable during dilaudid withdrawal. After all this is what the addict fears the most. This process can take up to 5 days and then you will be free from dilaudid.

Good luck