Quit Smoking! Tips and tricks!

Quitting smoking is a very hard task to complete successfully. The chemicals in cigarettes, are extremely addictive, and it may take a few trys to quit smoking once and for all. I will Include tips and tricks that will help you quit smoking once and for all.
Document your smoking and allow yourself only an allotted amount of cigarettes per time interval. example, if your a heavy smoker allow your self two cigarettes per hour, if an average smoker allow only one per hour. week by week cut down the allotment slowly.
Keep your mind busy and keep something cigarette shaped in your hand. Keep a busy schedule, not allowing yourself idle time and keep something cigarette shaped in your hand like a pen or pencil.
When ever you have a craving for nicotine, chew gum, keep a good supply of gum with you at all times.
The last and final tip is probably the best and most successful way to quit smoking. This helped me to quit smoking finally after 10 years. The tip is, Electronic Cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes, while not exactly "healthy" are extremely better than normal cigarettes. There is no ash, tar or smoke. It uses Vapor instead of smoke, so they are also more convenient too. That means you can smoke inside, anywhere and also your clothes will smell better, there is no smoke whatsoever! You will also start saving money because they are alot cheaper than normal cigarettes. As you smoke the electronic cigarettes, you can go down in nicotine strength slowly, until you get down to no nicotine at all! Check out Blu Electronic cigarettes, the best quality and prices on the market! Go here: