Addictions Awareness

True addiction to anything is a very serious state of mind. The mind of an addict has at one point been reprogrammed to focus one one thing, and that's whatever they are addicted to. In pretty much every case of addiction, the process started out with something that seemed innocently entertaining or experimenting with something that provided the thrill of instant gratification of one sort or another.

Addictions come in many forms. From cigarettes to gambling, to the more appalling addictions of a criminal mind, including rape and murder, to the death defying acts of a thrill seeker. A person can become addicted to basically anything, and on a positive note, people can even become addicted to doing good, positive and productive things as well. It's the addictions people have that create some type of negative effect that can change them forever and ruin their lives.

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco products seem to be be the big 3 items that people can easily become addicted to. These are things are readily available in our society today, and if taken properly or in moderation, the harm is limited. It's the overdoing of these things that can change personalities, tear apart families, cause cancer and other irreversible physical damage, destroy ones finances and seriously effect job retention.

And it all starts from the mind of a person thinking, that if a little makes you feel good, a lot will make you feel even better. It's the "Snowball Effect" in literally every case.

People that live a clean, healthy life, that have no addictions can never know or understand what an addict goes through. Reprogramming the brain is the only way to break an addiction, and sometimes that requires a long stay in a rehabilitation setting before that can be achieved. Don't do things that can become addictive in the first place is the best policy. Breaking addictions is not an easy thing to do, but with prayer and the understanding and support of one's family and friends, it can be done.