How to Overcome and Quit the Habit of Masturbation

MASTURBATION: How to Overcome and Quit the Habit


Since volumes have been written about masturbation, one wonders why another author still feels the need to write about the subject. Is it not presumptions to believe that one has something new to say about a chronic problem of both men and women over the centuries? I respond that there is something new to be said on the subject, for example, one's response to new developments and thinking on the subject matter, as well as one's personal experience in counseling persons struggling with the habit. In this endeavor, I have garnered fresh insights concerning the psychology of masturbation from my personal study of sexual addiction, of which masturbation is a prime example.

Another reason why I decided to write on the subject is because many persons struggling with this weakness do not receive adequate spiritual and moral guidance. It is now well known that the habit of masturbation cuts across all the stages of life from infancy to old age. It is found among children, teenagers, young adults, married men and women, religious and political leaders.

Interacting with masturbation addicts in need of solutions will reveal just how serious the situation can be (and really is) for those involved. Getting addicted to masturbation is no laughing matter. The sufferers can become slaves to their sometimes, compulsive habit.

If you are seeking knowledge on the subject matter, or if you are seeking information to educate yourself and help those that are already slaves to the habit, then read on…



"If you would conquer the world, then conquer yourself.  There is nothing more a man can do, and nothing greater." –Anonymous

The beginning of a habit is like an invisible thread.  Every time we repeat the act, we strengthen the strand, and add to it, another filament until it becomes a great cable and binds us irrevocably inthoughtandact. The emphasis on the two words here underlines their importance in the formation of any habit.  First, wethinkand then, weactout our thoughts.  In fact, all that a man does outwardly is the expression and completion of his inward thinking.  No action is possible without the thought.  Action is the second form of thought, and personality is the materialization of thought. A bad habit starts slowly and gradually and before you know you have the habit, the habit has arrested you.  As the plant springs from and could not be without the seed, so every act of man springs from the hidden seeds of thoughts and could not have appeared without them.  This is another way of saying that act is the manifestation of thought; and joy and suffering are its fruits.  Thus does a man garner or harvest in the sweet and/or bitter fruitage of his husbandry.

People often delude themselves when they imagine that they can hide their thoughts. But the fact is that thoughts (both negative and positive thoughts) cannot be kept secret. Whatever you plant in the mind is going to come up – multiplied.  Plant a negative or a positive thought and you reap in multiples because between planting and harvest, imagination enters the picture and multiplies the result.  Thoughts rapidly crystallize into habit, and habit solidifies into circumstances.  Bestial thoughts crystallize into habits of masturbation, drunkenness, drug addiction, and sensuality, etc.  These in turn, lead to circumstances of misery, destitution and disease. Impure thoughts of every kind crystallize into enervating and confusing habits, which metamorphose into distracting and adverse circumstances. Men do not really decide their future.  They decide their habits, then, their habits decide their future.  A thought held in thinking substance is a real thing, a form and has actual existence; although it is not visible to you.  You internally take the form in which you think of yourself and you surround yourself with the invisible forms of things with which you associate in your thoughts.

The way we think determines the decisions we make.  The decisions we make determines what we do.  And what we do determines how successful we become.  Change your thinking and you change your decisions.  Change your decisions and you change your behavior.  Before a man can accomplish anything of an enduring nature in the world, he must first of all, acquire some measure of success in the management of his own mind.  This is because out of the heart, flow the issues of life.

On temptation

Most of the time when people commit crimes, or are caught pants-down in a condemnable act, they blame an imaginary devil as being responsible for their criminal act.  They often claim that it was the devil that tempted them to commit the criminal act. This is indeed, laughable and it brings me to the interesting topic of temptation. Can an individual be helplessly tempted to do a wrong thing? The truth is that all temptations come from within and man is tempted because of the evil that is within him.  The idea that God, a devil, evil spirit or outward objects are the source of temptation must be dispelled. The man who sows wrong thoughts and deeds, and prays that God will bless him, is in the position of a farmer who having sown tares, asks God to bring forth for him, a harvest of wheat.  The source and cause of all temptations is in the inward desire. When our negative inward desires are purified or eliminated, outward objects, or people are utterly powerless to move the soul to sin or to temptation.  The outward object is merely the occasion of the temptation; never the cause.  The cause is in the desire and the mind of the person who claims he is tempted.

A man is tempted because there are within him, certain desires or states of mind that he has come to regard as unholy.  The desires may lie deep asleep for a long time; and the man may think that he has got rid of them.  When suddenly, on presentation of an outward object, the sleeping desire wakes up and thirsts for immediate gratification, the man yields to it.  This is the state of temptation. Men fail to conquer their weakness and the fight is indefinitely prolonged because men labor under two delusions: first that all temptations come from the outside, not within, and second, that they are tempted because of their good nature. The good in man is never tempted.  Goodness destroys temptation.  It is the evil in a man that is aroused and tempted.

Let me give you another illustration to buttress the above fact. A criminal does not become a prisoner by the tyranny of fate or circumstances, but by the pathway of negative thoughts and base desires.  The criminal thoughts had long been secretly hidden and nurtured in the heart, and the hour of opportunity revealed its gathered power.  Circumstances do not make a man.  They rather reveal and expose a man to himself.

Guard well your thoughts, dear reader, for what you really are in your secret thoughts today, be it good or evil will sooner or later, become in actual deed.  He who jealously guards the portals of his mind against the intrusion of sinful thoughts and occupies himself with loving thoughts, with pure, strong and beautiful thoughts, will, when the season of their ripening comes, bring forth the fruits of gentle and holy deeds, and no temptation that can come against him shall find him unarmed or unprepared.

Having said that, let us proceed to the next chapter which focuses on the definition and process of masturbation.



"We find peace only by resisting our passions, not by giving in to them." -James Russell Lowell

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