Tips on Getting Over Pot Addiction

Getting over any addiction can be a rough road to travel down and even if you have a good support network those that have never been in the same position can never truly give you the insight and help you need to overcome your problems. So for those of you looking for help here are some tips on how to get over pot addiction.

  • Success Diary
    Keep a diary or a notepad of your successes. When you have a success even unrelated to overcoming your addiction note it down and whatever you do never write down any perceived failures. If you have a craving for a smoke but find something else to do and get over it write it down! If you do something really good at work, write it down! If you make a damn fine dinner even, write it down! Then go back and read these every now and then especially when you feel the need to smoke or feel depressed or stressed. By filling your life with positive elements and not giving any negativity room to breathe you will find you have more energy and a better frame of mind to kick your addiction!

  • Get a Hobby
    Take up writing, or drawing, painting, singing or playing music; it does not really matter. Having a fun hobby allows you to feel rewarded and challenged and fills the time you used to smoke up with something that can give you a natural high and also help your self esteem and creativity. Pot smoking is one of the most inspiration and motivation sapping things you can do so this can really shoot you into a new way of thinking.

  • Be Honest with yourself
    While the other two tips can really help with avoiding cravings this is the biggy. You must be honest enough with yourself to be able to pinpoints the exact underlying reason for your addiction. Most people realize that is not what they usually think. Someone who smoked because they were bored may find that boredom was actually caused by having no direction in life or being shy and not finding any friends, these reasons may be masked by the lies we tell to ourselves to protect our ego or validate actions we do not condone in our own hearts. So be honest, brutally honest.

I hope you can use these tips on getting over pot addiction to be free of marijuana and live a better more fulfilling life! If you want the best chance of quitting then read on.