Preventing DUI Classes

How do we avoid DUI classes and the dangers of it? Obviously, the answer is not to drink and drive. But in most situations when we are weak in saying no to alcohol and knowing we have to drive, this is the time when we should be responsible to avoid DUI Classes charge and the dangers of drunk driving. When we drink alcohol, our reaction time is slowed. This could be risky when we are in the streets, even risky for other people inside or outside of the vehicle.

If you know that you are going to a party where they serve alcohol, it is best to choose a designated driver. It can be among your friends who are sober or hire one. There should be an agreed time to leave so that no one gets to go home alone. A taxi can also be a good option especially when all of your friends are drinking.

Being responsible party goers is good. But better if we are responsible hosts or hostess of the party. Not serving alcohol is a definitely a good choice. But for those serving alcohol, it would be a good idea that before drinking begins, everyone turns over their keys to a responsible person who remains sober until the party is over. Then when the party is over, the sober person can hand back the keys to the drivers who are also sober.

If a person is too intoxicated to drive but still insists on leaving, make them think that they lost their keys. You may offer a cab or let someone take them home. Even if you are sober, do not get into a car with a drunk driver. You may call a cab, or go with anyone who has not consumed alcohol.

If you are in the streets, not necessarily from a party and you see an erratic driver, you may call the emergency number like 911 and give the location of the driver. This way, you can save anybody from having an accident especially the driver.

It is everyone's responsibility to know the dangers of drunk driving and educate themselves on how to prevent it and know the DUI classes rule. Not just wait until the fatal thing happens that they will become responsible people. Drunk drivers are responsible for the large number of accidents or fatalities in the streets.  They should be prohibited from driving until they get the proper treatment and change their behavior.

It is also wise not to drink at all. Aside from the dangers of drunk driving, there are also dangers like alcohol abuse, domestic abuse, increase rate of crimes, and health problems, all leading to the destruction of one's life. We live only once. Live wisely.