Naturally Reduce Allergens and Ensure Good Indoor Air Quality

The season of itchy, watery eyes, stuffy nose and sneezing is here. These are just some of the symptoms that more than 35 million Americans face each year from allergies. Although allergy medications are helpful, conventional drugs and treatment don't bring the relief they desperately seek.

What Can Start an Allergy?

According to the experts, the majority of respiratory problems come from inhaling such allergens as trees or grass pollen and mold spores. Exposure to dust, pet dander and other indoor pollutants can worsen the severity of both spring and summer allergies, and can trigger or worsen asthma and other respiratory illnesses.

Tips to Naturally Reduce Allergens and Insure Good Indoor Air Quality:

  • Staying in air-conditioned areas with the windows closed, you may reduce your symptoms. Be aware that symptoms will flare up the moment you go outside and may remain with you for the rest of the day.

  • If the symptoms continue when you are in a particular room or building, there may be moldor clogged air ducts causing your allergies. This exposure to mold and clogged air ducts can cause headaches, decreased attention span, fatigue, respiratory distress, asthma, irritations of eye, nose, throat, and lungs, and redness and rashes, among others. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, a mold test should be performed in order to identify the types/levels of mold in your home or office, and arrange for mold removal immediately.

  • Air-conditioning units are useful in filtering out large, airborne pollen particles. If you are allergic to pollen it is recommended to run the air-conditioner as much as possible during the warm-weather months. If you use an air conditioner, keep it clean. Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems harbor moisture, mold and dust.

  • If the ductwork in your home or building is clogged, clean air cannot reach the room or rooms it is vented into. Only stale air and carbon dioxide re-circulates and the lack of oxygen-rich air will cause headaches. The best way to treat poor indoor air quality is to have your air duct system cleaned and disinfected. Contact an air duct cleaning service to improve your indoor air quality.

If you suffer from mild symptoms, over-the-counter antihistamines will help for a few hours. Caution should be taken because they may cause drowsiness. Combining conventional drugs and treatment with natural allergy relief methods will help you reduce and control your allergies.