How to Quit Porn Addiction - 4 Tools to Fight Temptation when its Strongest!

Not knowing how to quit porn addiction can make you feel hopeless and full of guilt with fear and discouragement. These feelings can rob you of the freedom life should offer in full! Fear of getting caught or feelings of desperation in personal sin only add insult to injury. If you learn how to quit porn addiction you will empower your life as a whole. Many people feel helpless and never learn how to quit porn addiction because they are focused on their past failures.

In this article I am going to cover specific strategic steps you can personally take as an outlet when that moment of heated temptation arises! Notice I say when and not if. I know and sympathize with where you're coming from! Sexual addiction and porn addiction are everywhere in this day of advanced technology and I realize how hard it is to quit. All those addicted to porn and trying to quit realize how daunting the task seems.

Escape #1: Change your environment!

Sitting next to a computer is the near equivalent of sitting outside a strip club for porn addicts. Get out! You can't be trusted when the porn addiction is calling, it's too powerful. Don't try and be the tough one who weathers the storm. Instead, get away from the computer, magazine, television or whatever has plagued you in the past.

Escape #2: Have your emergency activity predetermined!

This step compliments the previous one. Have at least 3 emergency activities predetermined. These are usually physical in nature. They can be any activities that you personally realize are likely to distract you in a consuming way. This could be anything like shooting a basketball, engaging in another sport or going to a shop you really enjoy and often get sucked into. Again any activity that tends to hook you another way is good!

Escape #3: Call or Talk to Someone as a Social Distraction!

Once you engage in conversation you are forced to think about what that person is saying or you will lose respect with that individual. They will have things on their mind that they want to share and this is perfect! Humans are among the best distractions available. Unattractive humans that is.. lol

Escape #4: Focus and Immerse in Recovering Addict Solution Resources

Instead of indulging in porn, indulge in porn addiction solutions and expert advice. There are programs out there that you can immediately start reading, watching or listening to for strength, support and courage. Like going to the gym while combating food cravings, they'll help you to true recovery.