Overcoming Depression Hurts

When depression hurts start to affect your life and the people around you then something must be done. It cannot be assumed that it will just go away on its own. Most often the depression hurts come at a point where there is the start of severe depression. This is a very dangerous stage, not just for the person who is depressed, but also for the people who love him or her.

Take the story of Bill. His story is like so many others wherein he had everything he wanted, then lost the girl. This lead to his severe depression because he was unable to deal with the loss properly and move on. Soon after, Bill committed suicide. Unfortunately, the story does not end there, but goes on to affect his mother who also got depressed for months; his father who feared the whispers of his office mates and friends; his siblings who were judged by classmates in school; and the ex-girlfriend who refused to enter into another relationship because of fear of a repeat.

Depression hurts can wreck lives but it does not have to. What needs to be done is to find the signs early enough that it is easy to deal with the problem. There are telltale signs that indicate a person is falling into a depression, and being aware of these signs could help you help them.

It is also helpful to be aware of the different types of depression . This way, the family of the individual can easily determine the particular treatment of depression to be applied to the individual suffering from this illness.

The problem of Bill was he did not talk to anyone, or if he did, no one listened. He also has very busy friends who did not recognize the negative changes in his life, or shrugged them off as inconsequential. Of course, it's hard to blame anyone on this kind of scenario because the signs of depression could be signs of another condition. This makes it imperative that any suspicion you may have that a friend or family member is getting severe depression is to pursue the matter until it is resolved.

Do this if you see any of the following signs:

•    Mood swings
•    Fatigue
•    Sleep disorders
•    Eating disorders
•    Difficult in laughing or smiling
•    Inability to concentrate
•    No interest in anything

Learn more about the pains of depression and how to deal with them at my depression hurts online.