Small Article- Keep your Health Intact

Keep your health intact.
Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate.

Man is alive till his body survives and when this body stopped functioning, we can say that man is dead. The people who are lying ill and are not in working position, they are also not living a life, but they are waiting for death. It is an old saying that prevention is better than cure, it clearly means that man must avoid diseases and illness. He can do so. The parents must be alive to this situation. They must have a constant watch on the health and proper growth of their children so that they may develop good health from the very beginning. This childhood is the root and if the roots are weak, then we cannot expect a healthy tree. If the child remains ill or he or she is diseased from the very beginning, there are no expectations that he would be having a good health in life. Therefore, as long as the child is in custody of the parents, it is their duty to make it sure that the child is protected from all the diseases and illness and when he is grown up, then he must be given instructions to keep himself or herself hale and healthy. He should be taught about the diet, about the exercises, about the living style, about the discipline, about cleanliness and about the environment which he or she must create around himself. The youths must be given instructions in schools, in colleges and even at home and they must be told all methods of keeping themselves hale and healthy. We should depend on diet which is available at home and we should avoid taking eatables from the market because in most of the cases the people who are selling those eatables are not trained in keeping the eatables safe and clean. We should be disciplined and we should take our food in time and it should not be repeated time and again. We should not take more than our needs and we should establish a discipline with us that we would not be taking more than our needs and we should always an eye on our digestion system and we should see that whatever we had taken last day is out today and we are ready to take more on this day. If the previous waste is still in us, we should avoid taking more today, because everything must be out and if it remains in us, it shall create more troubles for us. We should be taking an examination of our body on each day when we are in the bath room and we should see that each part of our body is in working order. If we take exercise each day, we shall know much about our body and if some part is paining, it means there is some trouble in that part and we should try to correct the same. If we need help of a doctor, we can consult that because an early treatment shall be in our own interest. We should be our own doctor and the things which are not digested, we should avoid taking those items because it would be of no use to take the same. Such articles create more troubles.
We should prepare ourselves on each day and when we are before the mirror, we shall be having a look on our body and on our face and we shall see where we stand. If there is some defect, we can have a look on that defect and if that can be removed, we should take necessary steps. The people who have a look on their health live long life and they remain functioning till death and they do not lie on bed and create burden for others in the house.