An Article- Man Can Establish Heaven on This Earth

Man can establish Heaven on this Earth.
Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate.

We must accept that this man created God and then he gave name to God. We must accept that all powers which are vested with God had been given by this man and after handing over all the powers in hands of God, this man started praying before Him. There was a time when this man was having no knowledge about God and His powers. But our elders had been adding powers with God and this list became so long that the man had to write religious books to have a record of all these powers. This man did not stop here. He further went ahead and established new institutions. He created an institution where all accounts are taken and then the man established two more institutions. One was called Heaven where only those were to be accommodated who had been doing good works in life and they established another house which was called Hell in which only those were to be lodged who had been doing bad deeds in life. They linked all species on this world with man and they tried to link the present life with these creatures. They could identify the people who had been doing bad deeds and they could identify the people who had been doing bad deeds. They could say that the man who had been love and lust for money would become serpent next time and the like.
The man prays before God that he should be given Heaven on this earth and also Heaven when he dies. The man never thought that he could create Heaven on this earth. When we go deep, we find that God or we may call it nature, it contains each and everything for us which if properly utilized, would turn this earth into Heaven and we would not be longing for another Heaven after our death.
We know that there are mountains, there are jungles, there are rivers, there are different minerals, there are fertile lands, there are hard working people, there are different seasons, there are rains, there are seas, there are lands and even all these skies are available to this man and he can fly in the skies and can touch other planets. We know that science and technology are advancing and this man has brought on earth so many discoveries and inventions. He was in stone age at a time, but now this man has started reaching the skies and is trying to find our his own brothers on other planets. This man has added to his power so many new powers and he is utilizing all those powers and energies and is enjoying life like anything. There are chances that he shall go further and shall bring more discoveries and inventions. This man shall turn this land of us into a Heaven, provided the people running against all his wishes are reigned properly. These people are collecting more and more power and then they are creating fears for others. The trends of establishing imperialism are still on and some countries are utilizing their power to establish new type of imperialism in the world. They are invading countries, they are killing people, they are bringing demolitions and then they are establishing petty governments there and are telling the world that they are not interested in establishing their own rule in that country. They show that they have given the administration in hands of the people of that country. This is something new in which governments in these countries are run through remote control system. The people are not liking all these new trends at international level, but since most of the countries are not in a position to oppose these new trends of imperialism, they are keeping silence and are fearing that one day they too shall be the target and they too shall come under this new imperialism.
So the spirit in man to rule is not allowing us to establish Heaven on this earth. We are not utilizing all the resources at our command because most of our time is spent on wars, on terrorism and on riots and in all these activities, we are killing people and bringing destructions. We are going two steps forward and coming back four steps and that is the reason, this man could not achieve his desired goals and the goals which were very easy for him to achieve. He has been given everything by nature and that is available in nature. We are wasting our time in futile exercises and that is the reason, we are killing people and this killing is sin, we are made to suffer because of our sins. Till this man continues to rule and make others as slaves, Heaven would not be established on this earth and this man shall be longing for this Heaven while on this earth and even after his death.
The man must stop fighting. We should stop holding one as hero and others as weak and condemn them. The man who kills others can never become hero or a brave person, because he is taking work of God in his own hands and the man who is being killed should not rise to the status of martyr because he allowed other to kill him. We should come forward with constructive thinking and should write off all the old concepts of life. We should give more respect to those who could bring some discovery or some invention on this earth and when his new achievements could ease the life of this man. The countries which are invading other countries just to establish their own imperialism should be asked to stop and they must divert their time, energy, power, intelligence and wisdom towards inventions and discoveries so that this earth could be converted into Heaven.