Think Outside the Box: Walk In Cooler Door Maintenance and Effectiveness

The easiest way to boost the efficiency of your walk in cooler or walk in freezer is to ensure the door is being closed properly and maintained in good condition. If your food service staff is propping the door open for extend periods, not closing the door properly, or there is damage to the door it will affect your refrigeration equipment, the condition of the product, and your operation cost.

Problem: Your Staff Props the Walk In Cooler or Walk In Freezer Door Open

Often you will see a food service staff prop open the walk in cooler and walk in freezer doors during instances such as receiving shipments. This practice of propping the walk-in door open for an extended period of time can drastically lower the temperature inside your box and put tremendous strain on your refrigeration equipment, which can cause ice buildup.

Solution: Close the Door and Install Strip Curtains

The best thing to do is to make sure your staff only has the walk-in door open when absolutely necessary. If someone is not actively walking in and out of the walk in cooler or walk in freezer, the door should be securely closed. If you still find your staff requires the door to be open for extended periods you should install strip curtains. These plastic strips that run from the top of the door to the floor effectively retain the cool air inside the walk in cooler while keeping the exterior air out.

Problem: Your Walk In Cooler or Walk In Freezer Door Does Not Close Properly

It is important that you frequently check to make sure your walk in cooler or walk in freezer door is closing properly. Make sure the walk in door has a door closure and it is catching properly, that your door gasket is in good condition and creating a proper seal, and that your door is level.

Solution: Replace and/or Maintain Your Walk In Door Properly

If you have any of the above issues with your walk in cooler door, your door is not efficient! If maintenance will not resolve these issues, you should consider replacing your door. ThermalRite has a replacement door that will fit any manufacturer's walk in cooler or freezer. This is an easy way to give your walk in a face lift and make it more efficient.

Problem: Your Walk In Cooler or Walk In Freezer Door is Frequently Damaged

Is your walk-in located so the door opens into the corner of a table or into a passage way leaving it prone to damage from passing carts? Constant damage such as this can make it difficult to maintain a properly aligned and efficient door.

Solution: Replace Your Walk In Door with a Door That Fits You

Who said walk-in doors have to swing on hinges? You could replace your door that slides open so that you are not swinging you door into tables or walk ways. You could also simply replace your door with a door that swings in the opposite direction. This simple fix can make a big difference in the efficiency of your walk in cooler and walk in freezer.

By addressing these seemingly small problems with walk in cooler and walk in freezer doors, you can give yourself a more efficient and cost effective walk in cooler and walk in freezer!