Let me ask you, how many times have you have had a gut feeling not to do something, you did it anyway and almost immediately found yourself kicking yourself, because you were paying the consequence? Be honest, because I know I couldn't be the only one. Maybe its ego, maybe its laziness or maybe it's just you thinking you can outsmart your inner voice, but if you're anything like me, you've discovered through trial and error you can't. And as a woman entrepreneur until you learn to listen to –and be guided by that still small voice—you will never be able to reach your personal heights. Listening to that inner voice has been a struggle for me for quite a while. Sometimes I listen, sometimes I don't—and for a while it was as simple as that. The rhyme or reason typically centered on how convenient it was. Take for example my latest test. About a month ago, I was cooking at the stove when I turned around in my kitchen and noticed a water jug sitting on a cabinet way too close to the edge. Immediately, I knew I should move it, but I talked myself out of it because I was too busy and went on cooking dinner. The following morning, I walked down the stairs and looked into the kitchen and noticed water was everywhere. OMG, we've had a flood. I rushed up and got my husband and we went into the kitchen only to notice that the water jug had fallen. I know. I know. I felt beyond foolish. But more importantly, I knew it was a test from the Universe (God) to see how obedient I was to my inner voice. Obviously, I had failed that gentle test. What I have noticed is that learning to listen to that voice is like exercising a muscle that has gone weak. You must use it over and over in order to begin to reap the benefits at the highest levels. I once heard Oprah say that she attributes most of her success to learning to follow her gut; listening to it when everyone and everything else points to something contrary. She said the times that she has gotten herself into trouble was when she ignored it and listened to someone else. Sound familiar? Learning to "listen" will elevate your life in all areas. But, you must be still enough to hear. Doubt means don't. Don't walk to the car unescorted. Don't walk that way. Whatever you are experiencing doubt about, pay attention to it. You are being guided and directed. If you would like to start bulking up your internal muscles, try these three strategies: Carve out time to listen: Carve a few minutes out of your day to listen to your inner guiding system. Don't try to make tough decisions in the midst of chaos. Put 15 minutes on your calendar each day to spend time in solitude, and spend time thinking about the areas in your life where you are looking for answers. Seek ye first: Don't be so anxious to share all of your problems or concerns with others before you have had time to think things through for yourself. You don't want to be clouded by the opinions of others. Learn to turn within for the answer before you pick up the phone. Take 10: Realize that answers or solutions do not necessarily come instantaneously. Sometimes you need to sleep on it; let things marinate. When you learn to step back and "give it time, you will be surprised how soon the answers to your most pressing questions begin to appear. ©2010 Jennifer Ransaw Smith |