The World's Most Difficult Question

When I talk to people I like to ask them what I believe is just about the world's most difficult question. Very few people can provide a confident answer and most people can't come up with an answer at all. Yet, to be truly successful, it is a question that we all must be able to answer. The answer will provide direction to a meaningful and purpose filled career and life. The question:

What would you do every day if money didn't matter?

At first glance this may not seem like such a tough question. However, when you think about it, so much of what we do every day is centered on money. We find jobs to make money, find a place to live based on how much it costs, get loans from the back, cut coupons even spend time figuring out how much we will spend on gifts for people. People will work overtime for more money or even get a second job to earn more money. For most people, the reason we get up each day is so we can go to work and make money.

So now imagine a life where money was not an issue.

No more HAVING to be anywhere to get a paycheck. You can spend all the money that you want at the grocery store and it has no impact on you bank account. If you want to buy the New York Yankees, you can. If you want to buy every baseball team in the world, you can. At this point money doesn't matter. So how would you spend your day? When you get up on Tuesday morning, what are you going to do?

This is the point most people start scratching their head.

Why does this matter? Because whatever it is that you would spend your day doing, is where you need to focus your career search. Those things that you would do when money is no issue are the very things that you have a passion for, that you have skills to do and that you will succeed at. So what would you do everyday if money didn't matter? Figure that out and go be a success at it!