When the wind swayed

Here she was receiving award as the company had the fastest growth. She, Aahana was the CEO of a retail company. As her name was called out to collect the award, Aahana was shocked, surprised, filled with emotions, couldn't believe her ears and people around were cheering her. She was blank for the monment. she slowly walked down the red carpet, praying to keep herself calm, she goes up on the stage and her hands were trembling as she collects the award, she can hear the audience cheering her achievement, young women giving her a standing ovation. Here she is standing with the award as model to the next generation. She was asked to talk about her achievement, her throat choked, words weren't coming... But then she had to talk. She slowly and steadily started the talk...
I didnt walk away with the wind
but instead I stood still, when the wind swayed
I stood thinking which way to go.
Go with the wind or
go away from the wind.
I prayed hard about the way to take.
Then, I listened to my inner voice
And i heard it say to me...
Go the way you are are confident,
even if you are not aware of the road
Go the way, where you know the destination.
Road ahead may be rugged
Road ahead may be steep
Raod ahead may have humps and bumps
But take the road which leads to your destination
You can overcome the ruggedness,
You can jump over the humps and bumps
but if you don't know the destination
You are lost...
I didn't sway with the wind
And so here I am today...

She said it all in a few words.. and came back to her seat.. People sorrounded her, congrtulating, cheering her, celebrating for her. She thanked each one for their support,  for being with her and as she came back home, Aahana thanked God for His grace on her. She was humble of her acheivement, she didnt jump up high, she was calm and composed as always.
She walked way back to her home, reminising the bygone days...
as a child she never dreamt of being a ceo, she had various dreams, become a doctor and serve people, become an architecture, become a chef too... but dreams take a turn along with life.. dreams mature with age and so was her dreams.. shy little girl in school with very few friends.. wnet to college with dreams little more focussed, goes on to become an extrovert. She remembers lying down on her mother's lap and telling, mamma, i want to become like you when i grow up. Mamma brushing her hair says, dear you don't be like me... you have to go into this world and acheive great heights and make your mamma proud.. you have to be a glittering star in this world that shines with light always... Her eyes filled with tears.. she made mamma pround, but mamma wasn't around to see this day... She  reaches home, her little children come running out.. they are happy their mamma is back home and they know nothing about the great award their mamma has received. For children all that matters is mamma is back home.. she keeps her award on the table, carries her two little children and thinks, award is good for the world, but for herself nothing is greater than God's blessing and her family. While walking the world she didn't sway with the wind, but in her life she did, she let the wind take her along and knew God would bless her. Aahana moved on with life with this award as a passing wind, again in the world, she didn't sway with the wind.....