Organization For The Home - Two Decluttering Actions You Can Do With Your Spouse To Keep Your Home OrganizedWhen living with someone else, you need to have an agreement on common rules of how to live in the household. This is very important, since after you know how to live together, there are less chances for fighting over some common principles in your home. And less there are disagreements over common things, the smoother the everyday life goes. When you have someone else living with you, you can also take an advantage of that situation in order to improve the home organization. This article focuses on two things that you can do together, causing less stress and keeping your home easily organized. Go through the closets together and decide what stuff to get rid of Both of you might have some extra clothes that you don't use anymore. Instead of letting just another of you going through all the closets and deciding what to do with each item, do this task together. Decide together how to deal with stuff that you are going to throw away. For example, sometimes some piece of clothing has found it's way to my spouse's closet. And not just moving it from a closet to another but actually for my spouse to wear. Also, the whole closet decluttering becomes much faster, since both of you can concentrate on one closet at a time and decide what to do with each item. Organize your basement togetherI was about to get my basement organized when I lived by myself, but eventually something always came up. Only when I moved together with my spouse, we decided to organize your basement together. It was a wise decision, since we were able to do that very quickly and now our basement is in order. Everything is organized and all the items have their designated areas there. I could have done myself too, but it was much nicer to do it together and I didn't feel the task overwhelming at all, since it was our own little project we did together. |