For most of us, spring is the best time of the year. You plan your spring vacation, the weather is wonderful, it's not too cold, it's not too hot, the flowers are everywhere, everything is blooming and suddenly…upcchhh…the first sneeze is here. Then the nose starts to run. Then the itchy, watery eyes, blocked ears, sleepless nights, nasal congestion, pollen counts…and before you know it, you wish spring was never invented. You are not the only one feeling like this. 55 million Americans face this each year!

The most popular solution and why it's bad for us

Steroid nasal inhalersused for treatment of hay fever and other seasonal allergies can be very effective, but those steroids reach every part of our body and systematically harm and weaken our natural immune system. Besides, it only "hides" your allergy – you don't really treat it or improve your condition – you just hide the symptoms.

There is a variety of all-natural treatments that studies show can help – without the side effects of conventional medication.

Problem: Nasal congestion, running nose and watery eyes.

1. Nasal douching with warm saline solution will wash pollen grains off your nasal tissues and soothe your irritated nose membranes. We don't want an upset nose do we?

2. Cook up some allergy relief – hot, spicy foods. Experts claim that spicy food will open up nasal congestion. You probably remember the last time you took a spicy bite that made your nose run and your eyes watery, right? So if the problem is blocked nose this is a good solution. Not so much for running nose though, you probably get why… recommended spices: cayenne pepper, hot ginger, traditional onion and garlic. BUT, if you suffer from hypertension, this is not good for you. Spicy food can elevate blood pressure, so be aware.

Problem: Food that triggers hay fever and seasonal allergies


1. Try to Follow a low-protein diet and reduce or eliminate milk and milk products. Excessive protein can irritate the immune system. The protein in cow's milk is a frequent offender.

2. According to naturopathy, certain nutrients are helpful as hay fever remedies. The best ones are grape seed extract and a compound called quercetin. By the way, these are abundant in red wine – but don't use this as an excuse for alcoholism…These supplements are especially effective used with vitamin c.

3. What not to eat – reduce foods that seem to provoke even a mild sensitivity, such as occasional hives or even stomach upset. If you suffer from ragweed or other weed pollen allergies, don't eat melon, banana, cucumber, chamomile tea, and herbal supplements with Echinacea – research has proven that all of these will worsen the symptoms.

4.Important warning: Never mix natural or herbal supplements with medication without consulting with your doctor!

Problem: Allergies are caused by an overreaction of the immune system


Omega 3 supplement.  The omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, found in cold-water fish, algae sources, and supplements decrease inflammation in your body. An allergy attack happens when your body's immune system over reacts and causes inflamation to get rid of substances you are allergic to. Omega 3 supplement will reduce this inflamation in your body. That's why omega 3 is also beneficial for  arthritis, migraine headaches, menstrual cramps, and asthma.