Mega Millions Lottery Winning Numbers - Here's 3 Reason You Shouldn't Stop Playing Mega Millions!

If you live in the east cost, you probably be playing the mega millions lotto jackpot. And on Tuesday, Friday at 11 pm you'll be checking your Mega Millions Lottery winning numbers. Today there are 42 states that participate in the mega millions and it feels great to be a part of it.

With this many states, it gives you and me a huge opportunity to to win big. The odds may be against us though but with so many states involve the pot will get bigger giving us the chance to win more with just one ticket.

Why do you play Mega Millions?

You probably have never been asked this question before but non the less there is always a first to everything. Do you play to hopefully win and get everything you want in life? Or do you want to win so you can do some good for the less fortunate and at the same time splurge on yourself, maybe spoil yourself, with a nice vacation, your dream home, and that sweet ride.

These are all stellar reason. I'm not mad at you for wanting all these things. The fact of the matter is that we all play to win. So when we look forward to see theMega Millions Lottery winning numbersdrawing it would be very nice to see that your numbers all match. Sweet!!

Here's question for you - Have you ever thought about not playing the the Mega Millions again because you've played so long and never win? I know the feeling.

Three Reasons You Should Not Stop:

  1. Your next ticket might be the wining ticket. I've come across a lot of people who have told me about how close they have come to winning. The reason they did not win is because they did not believe it would happened to them. But the very day they did not buy a ticket someone wins out of their favorite spot where they buy lottery tickets daily
  2. You know the odds of winning the lottery is somewhat slim but the fact that you are in it just might be your lucky day. You see people win all the times and you can see yourself in their shoes.
  3. That dream house is very real and playing the mega millions and winning it will make this dream come true. The feeling of suddenly becoming a millionaire is thrilling one. You will be able to fulfill all the desires of your hear in an instant. The bills will be all paid off. Your life will affect others beyond your wildest dream especially the less fortunate.

Not to mention all those fancy vacations that you've always dream of going on. You know the ones you see in popular vacation magazines that captures your heart, mind and soul but the wallet can't support your desire?

Remember, if you live in the 42 stats that participate in the Mega Millions don't forget to play because you'll be sorry if those numbers you've been thinking about for so long you did not play and you see them come up after checking Mega Millions winning numbers in the papers on right here on line!