Interpersonal Communication Skills Training - 9 Secrets of Finding a Great Trainer

There are many trainers out there offering programs for those, like you, looking to strengthen their interpersonal communication skills in an effort to win boardroom battles, haggle over the price of furniture, or simply to win friends and influence people. Here is a short breakdown of what to look for in finding an interpersonal Communication Skills trainer.

ONE-ON-ONE COACH - Perhaps a small group trainer is acceptable, but try to avoid large seminars or "self-help" events, as they will likely charge as much or more but give you no personal assistance. The optimal setting for building your interpersonal communication skills is a one-on-one, in-person program that is tailored to accentuate your strengths and reinforce your deficiencies. Avoid "online" or "teleseminar" style programs. The benefits of such programs loose a lot with the absence of a third dimension.

CLEARLY DEFINE YOUR OWN DEFICIENCIES - Be honest with yourself concerning your strengths and weaknesses. If you know you are reasonably confident and have a good command of the language, but find yourself falling short in conversation, then look for a trainer with a program that will focus on the non-verbal cues that may be eluding you. If you struggle for even the most basic elements of what to say and how to say it, find a trainer willing to tailor a program to address these essential building blocks of interpersonal communication skills.

EXPECTATIONS, THEIRS AND YOURS - Know your limits, and realize your potential trainer's limits as well. A one-day program isn't likely to change you or your poor communication skills immediately, it takes time, hard work, and practice, practice, practice. It's like most kinds of physical activity - just as your body needs to learn muscle memory through constant repetition, so to does your personality. To learn interpersonal communications skills, be prepared to invest significantly in the time and effort required to achieve your goals, and expect to work harder than a trainer requires of you.

COST – Along with expectations, expect this aspect of any interpersonal communication skills training to resemble that of physical fitness training. Most any reputable trainer will charge a fixed rate per hour for each of a series of one-hour sessions. This is typically standard, but such personal training can often be tailored into half-day and full-day sessions.

1. Listening Skills
2. Body Language
3. Verbal Skills Building
4. Conflict Resolution
5. Role-play Multiple Scenarios