Improve Many Skin Conditions Naturally. Learn About the Power of Herbs

In over 20 years of researching botanicals, I came across much valuable information. I am fascinated by the power of herbs. Herbs can improve many skin conditions, naturally.

Hidden “Assault Intruders” Herbs can blast them away.

There are so many skin ailments in our society today that it makes you wonder if this is the way that it is suppose to be? There are habits that we engage in daily that may just be causing our skin problems.

Many have acne problems and blame these unsightly “Zits” on oil build-up, dirt, clogged pores. These may be the least likely suspects. The major problem when it comes to acne and many skin ailments is “Toxin build-up” in the body. Many of these toxins come from the very foods that we eat. There are hidden “Assault intruders” in the very foods we it. And yes, the industry knows that they are in there and that they are bad for you. Hence, why your body tries to spit them out.

Our body is bombarded with 100’s even thousands of these “assault intruders” everyday. Toxins can come from our environment, but mainly from the foods that we eat. Take the time to read the ingredient labels on your food purchases before thinking about putting them in your mouth. If you can’t pronounce an ingredient, then there is a good chance it is not organic food, but an un-welcome chemical additive. Next time you see one of these intruders listed on your ingredient label, Google it. Find out what it is, its use and negative body chemical reactions.

When there is an overload of toxins in your body, what your body tries to do is get rid of them-any way it can. Some may come out by regular everyday elimination. But, many toxins are bombarding your system every day and the regular everyday elimination may not be enough.

Your skin is your body’s largest organ. The skin, through it’s pores, eliminates toxins. The more you sweet, the more your body is ridding itself of these intruders. But, considering the overload of these “assault intruders”, the skin tries to eliminate such huge amounts that skin problems do occur physically on your skin. One large cause of acne is body toxin waste showing up on the surface of your skin.

Herbs to the Rescue.

There are herbs that even when taken topically through the skin can “Suck” toxins right out the skin and giving you a healthier look and radiant skin.

Here are some beneficial herbs that can suck those “assault intruders”, properly known as toxins, right out of your skin. Acne can be very easily cleared up in a matter of a few days. As well as many of your skin ailments.

Dandelion has been given a bad wrap by the media and weed killer industries. Dandelion in a very therapeutic herb for our bodies. Dandelion is not an unsightly weed with no purpose but to haunt your lawns. It has much purpose. Did you know that dandelion eliminates cancer cells from the body? Topically it is beneficial in soothing and repairing sun-damaged skin. Dandelion with Sage, another therapeutic herb “Sucks” toxins out of the skin and clears acne.