Small Article- Woman Must Save Herself From Them the Man

Woman must save herself from man.
Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate.

Though a woman must be with her father when she is young, must be with her husband when she is married and when she becomes widow, she must remain with her sons and only then she is safe. It means she is always in danger and if we go deep, we shall find that she has got the danger from man. She should not remain all alone with a man who is not her father, her brother or her husband. She may live all alone with her son too, but when a man who is other than these institutions, she is not safe and the man who is accompanying her in this situation is a danger to her. The man who is all alone with a woman shall be forgetting all his relations with this lady and there are chances that this man shall be utilizing this occasion for some bad purpose. He may be enjoying the occasion, but there are chances that this occasion when she had been with a man who is not her father, her real brother, his son, she would not get good reputation and the people who shall know about this occasion they shall be forming their opinions in different manners. First of all they shall say that the man who had been with her would have mis-utilized this occasion and he might have exploited her sexually. Very rarely a man shall ignore this occasion and shall not be touching the lady who is all alone with him. He shall try to persuade her and if at all she is not ready, there are chances that this man shall be trying and shall be utilizing force and since man has got more power, she shall have to accept him or there are chances that she would be raped. The woman must save herself from man because the man would not lose anything and he shall be boasting that he could have a woman all alone and he did what he liked or wished, but this one occasion in the life of woman would turn her whole life and there are chances that the honour and respect she had lost on this occasion would never be regained by her and she would not be allowed to become a full woman during the remaining part of her life. Even the men shall hesitate to marry that woman. There are chances that the man who had spent time with her all alone may disagree for his marriage with that woman and would like to say that when she could spend time with him, she might had spent such times with other men too. This man had been the protector of the woman and this man is also the cause of all troubles for the woman. The man can say that he had done nothing because even medical examination conducted at a later stage would not give us information about his indulgence, but the woman would not be allowed to say that she is still pure because her medical examination would not save her. It shall tell us the whole truth and the woman shall get a name which no woman shall like to have in life. So better course should be that this woman should have separation from this man and she must avoid company of a man all alone even at a religious place. We are reading much about the religious places and about the people who are running and administering such religious places. Only women can tell us the real story what is happening in all these religious institutions. A woman must keep herself safe from this man and she must know that all these remarks passed against the integrity of man would not clean her face and once she is identified, she would carry this new name during the whole part of her remaining life. She should not be all alone and specially when a man is there.