How to Apologize to Your Father without Losing Your Pride

Apology is so powerful. It rebuilds collapsed bridges, and get you ranked even higher in your father's 'favorites'.  Saying sorry may seem difficult to some. So here are some tips on how to apologize to your father without scratching yourself, without degrading yourself.

How to say sorry and still keep your self-esteem

1. You need to understandthat apology, when done correctly, gives you power.

2. It's always easier to acknowledge your mistakes immediatelyright after they occur and say sorry without any delay.  All things become more difficult when delayed.

3. Apology goes through five phases.

-Step 1, acknowledging your mistake, and disclosing that acknowledgment to your father.

-Step 2, validating your father's reaction to your mistake. For example, you may say " I understand that…" , or "I know how it feels to …".

-Step 3, saying it, just say "I'm sorry for …".

-Step 4, justifying yourself. You can say "I'm sorry, but I was to trying to …".

-Step 5, just go on. Once you have done the four steps above, it's time to get back to the point and go on. Read the warnings below.

4. Take some action that proves you're still OKwith your father, despite what has happened. Invite him for dinner. Buy him a gift that matches him.

5. Follow up.After the session during which you've apologized, follow up with a phone call or a visit. But NEVER mention what has happened. Going through it again will emphasize it more and more. The purpose of this follow up action is just to prove that what has happened hasn't affected your relationship with your father.

6. Never talk about itwith a third party. Just like that.

7. Treat him well and always stay in touch. Be friends for ever.


- In point # 3, don't spend a long time in steps 1 & 4. Doing so will get the apology process deviated.