Glyconutrients - True And False

Glyconutrients have become widely known today because of their beneficial effects on our health. However, if you search the Internet for some information on these essential saccharides, you may find a lot of false or inaccurate statements about them. Here are some questions and answers that will hopefully dissipate any doubts about glyconutrients.

Q - Do glyconutrients heal?
A - No. Strictly talking, glyconutrients do not cure or heal any of your wounds of diseases by themselves. They are saccharides, not miracles. However, they can greatly help in increasing the efficiency of your immune system, and in the production of adult stem cells. You must not expect to drink a glyconutrient-rich supplement at night and wake up cured the next morning, so don't believe anyone who claims that Glyconutrients are "magical" or immediate healers. Rather allow for 3-6 months, after adding glyconutrients to your diet, for your body to build new healthier tissue.

Q - Do glyconutrients reduce aging?
A - Certainly, glyconutrients are very effective in eliminating free radicals from your body, thus delaying the cellular aging process. However, eliminating free radicals is just half the work: you must also stop producing them in order for glyconutrient's anti aging effects to be fully effective. For instance, if you are a heavy smoker glyconutrients' ingestion will be innocuous on you, because nicotine produces way more free radicals than your nutritional supplement can help you eliminate. So, as a rule of thumb, taking glyconutrients can help fighting aging only if you eliminate other harmful habits.

Q - Have Glyconutrients any undesired side effects?
A - As they are natural elements, they have no harmful effects.

Q - Can I get all the glyconutrients I need just by changing my diet?
A - Well, not in today's world. Theoretically, it is possible to carefully design a diet plan that provides you with all the necessary glyconutrients in the right amounts, but this diet is unpractical and almost impossible to follow by a person who lives in today's fast world. That's why professionals prefer to design and implement a more realistic and practical diet, and complement it with glyconutritional food supplements.

Q - I am currently taking a certain medicine to fight a certain disease I have. Will glyconutrients interact in some way with this medication?
A - Glyconutrients are just saccharides (also called "sugars"), therefore they are completely natural. For this reason, they have no interactions with any known drug. However, you can always ask your supplier about consuming glyconutrients. A trained consultant will not only inform you about them, but also will recommend the right amount for you.

Well, that's all for now. I hope this five answers help you recognize any false info you may found about glyconutrients.