5 Simple Tips to Help You Pay Attention to Detail

Regardless of whether you're a "big picture" thinker or whether you get bored by meticulous detail, there are certain times in your life when you have to learn how to pay attention to detail. So, if details bore you to tears, what can you do to increase your attention to detail?

1. Make a game of it

Challenge yourself to remember every last thing about whatever it is you're paying attention to. Give yourself points or a pat on the back for everything you remember.

2. Take a break

There comes a time when paying too much attention is actually counterproductive. You stress and strain to remember all the details and suddenly everything goes blank. Strike a compromise by taking a break every now and then. A few minutes here and there may be all you need to be able to concentrate hard again.

3. Learn how to check and correct yourself

Sometimes we're not fortunate enough to have someone helping us. Or sometimes that person constantly looking over our shoulder means we make more mistakes rather than less. Like the previous point, checking yourself works best after a short break. You'll pick up the work again and wonder to yourself how you could have missed what now seems blindingly obvious.

4. Write a checklist

If this is something truly important, a checklist is a great idea. You wouldn't trust a pilot to fly your next plane if they didn't use a checklist before takeoff. Do the same on your important projects - write yourself a list of everything that needs to happen and then tick off each part as it's done or checked.

5. Get help

No-one can remember everything and a second pair of eyes can be invaluable in spotting details that you've missed.