Why Am I Always Broke and in Debt?

This was the question running through my mind this morning. I have read so many books on wealth creation, making money from the internet, the secret, the law of attraction and so may others.

I realise that at the end of the day it’s all down to what I do with the information I have read, and my mindset. I have been focussing on the fact that my life seems to be going round in cycle, When I have my pay check, it’s all great for a week as I can pay my bills and I even go overboard and do my foods hopping and buy things I don’t even need. I even treat my children to little gifts or buy them something they have been waiting for, which does make me feel good and raises my self esteem. Yet a week after this I will feel depressed and angry and feel unfulfilled. I feel at times, that  I am working just to pay bills.

I now realise that I should not be focussing on what I don’t have, instead I should focus on the results I want. So if you are reading this and you are asking your self why I am always broke and in debt, you should now say to yourself“I want a constant stream of money to come into my life”

You should also have a daily affirmation such as “I am going to keep focusing on ways to increase my income; I am going to send my vibrational energy to find its match. I now ask my subconscious to make me consciously aware of opportunities that will allow me to do this. I know there is no delay in MIND so I accept this is happening right now".

The next step is to take stock of your current skills and expertise, as I believe that the key to success is already within each of us, we just have to look within us and discover it.

Having completed this exercise my self, I realise that I have skills in bookkeeping, accounting, Microsoft excel,  Sage, Quick books, life coaching, inspirational speaking and motivating people to maximise their potential and be the best they can.

Having identified my skills, I then focussed on one of the areas I want to develop. I decided to focus on bookkeeping. I did some research on the internet and discovered that their was a need for people who had expertise in charity bookkeeping and accounts. I then decided to develop various products relation to this. So now I have an e-course, e-books, training courses, and consultancy.

With all this in place, I then created my own website using MSN, and also used the ad manager to advertise and increase the traffic into my website. I have also started to write articles on various accounting forums. I have also created my own charity bookkeeping forum.

The next stage is for me to do some networking with similar organisations to increase my business profile. I have also created a limited company though a company called Quick formations and this went smoothly.

I must say I have been truly inspired by President-elect Barack Obama. When you consider the journey of his life, we can all focus our minds and indeed say “Yes we can” My other mentor is Oprah Winfrey, again when you look at how she started from a life of poverty and abuse to now be one of the most powerful black women in the USA, you can truly say “ Yes there is hope, and all things are possible if you believe and take the necessary action” The other day I then say Britney Spears on a television programme and her performance was very bad on the X factor show. She mimed her way although the song. It is such a shame, I do hope she picks herself up and become better than she was years ago.