Original Thought

I stumbled onto a really interesting clip on Youtube the other day that I would encourage you to check out: ?v=MoXkTg-Uoz4" ?v=MoXkTg-Uoz4

In this clip, the concept of repetition is brought up and it really made it think. About how certain people considered to be "experts" release information which is picked up by the media and reported hundreds of time to us to the point where we all blindly make it a conscious or subconscious belief and consider it fact...yet how often do you we really question the origin of some of the "facts" that we consider to be true and about whether it is really our truth?  The clip talkes about the concept of repetition it in relation to the media but I think it has far more implications than that.

It made me think about how much of what I believe to be true...is really true? Are any of the "truths" that I hold even my own thought or am I just repeating a bunch of information that people handed out to me in School, University, Media and day to day life that I took in to be true and set my entire belief system accordingly. It just seems the easy way out to trust the "experts" and not have to question EVERY bit of information that is brought to our attention but that brings up a much bigger question...

How many of the wars in the world today are being fought by misinformed people who simply absorbed information from what they thought to be a "credible" source, considered it to be truth without using their own intuition and wisdom and are willing to give their lives for it. History provides us very concrete examples of this. We are also seeing this from a financial perspective with the collapse of the sub prime markets which most people in retrospect can see was doomed to collapse. So why didn't they use their better judgement and do anything about it initially when they had the chance?

The political debates last night brought up this concept of repetition once again. There was not a whole lot put forward in terms of fresh ideas. The concepts and paradigms to solve the nations problems of today by the Conservative and Liberal platforms were essentially the same as they were 20 years ago. The leaders were simply repeating information from the origins of their respective paradigms in lieu of their own creative solutions to address the issues.

As Einstein put very eliquently, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.". We also know the famous quote of the first sign of insanity being doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Are we living in an insane society? Hmmmm I don't think so....just a lazy society that must go back to trusting our own intuition when encountering new information. Change begins with the new actions that we decide to take today that we didn't take before. It also depends on evaluating our key beliefs to determine if they are indeed, our own.  What about your views on religion or the meaning of life or money or retirement or relationships....are they REALLY your own?  How deep are you willing to go down the rabbit hole and establish a life that is truly your own?

Now I wonder....is this all original thought from me or have I simply repeated something myself that someone else might go off and repeat now? Things that make you go hmmmmmm....

Carpe Diem

Faiz Mitha