Coping with Loneliness

Feeling lonely is a common condition - most of us feel alone at some stage in our lives, even if there is no reason to. The truth is that it can be dealt with if it is only felt occasionally. However, if it is a long term problem, it has the potential to develop into depression or other serious mental disorders. It is therefore far better to deal with the problem quickly before it becomes a serious issue.
Coping with loneliness can be dealt with, but it cannot be cured simply by being with other people - it goes much deeper than that.

Find the Cause of the Problem.

If you feel as if you are all alone, there are two important questions that you should ask yourself. When did you start  to feel lonely and what were the circumstanses that started it? The  root causes of loneliness can lay dormant until something happens to trigger the feeling, but if you have a lifelong tendency to feel lonely, you should consult a professional for counselling. However, if you started to feel lonely after breaking up with your partner, or if you have been recently bereaved, or you have lost your pet, the feeling of being alone and possibly  unloved is entirely natural. It is a fact that time is a great healer, although it doesn't always seem so, and sooner or later you will feel like socializing and starting again. It is perfectly natural to mourn the death of someone, or to mourn the loss of a relationship, but you should also feel able to move on and get over it at some point.

Watch Your Health

Loneliness can be more than just a simple problem if it begins affecting either your physical or mental health. If your feelings start to overwhelm you or cause problems with your general health or if you develop eating disorders, or maybe you have trouble sleeping, it could be that you are  suffering from depression. It is always a good idea to speak to your Health Professional if you feel that this is the case, although pills should not be relied upon.

Overcoming Loneliness

The first step that you could take towards overcoming loneliness is to reach out to a stranger or re-establish a relationship with an old friend, or maybe someone you work with. Talk to someone about your feelings, maybe via social networking sites if you feel that is best for you. (However, bear in mind that this will not solve the problem as you should aim for face to face interaction in the long term). Allowing yourself to talk about the way you feel in a safe environment is a perfect way to start examining your issues and working towards a solution.

Help Someone Else

Coping with loneliness is a gradual process, but once you start to take action, you may be in a position to help others who are going through a similar situation. This is a perfect way to improve your state of mind. If you can give others the benefit of your experience and support, you will not only help them, but boost your confidence as well. Find out if there are support groups in your area and register your interest, and most importantly if you are able to - ACT NOW.