Positive Thinking - Redirecting Your Thoughts

Positive thinking can be an almost insurmountable goal when you have had a really tough day. If you are like most people, such days begin harmlessly enough, and things get progressively worse as the day wears on, until you are wondering when the day will end. Practicing the art of positive thinking is the farthest thing from your mind.

However, you can benefit from the effects of positive thinking by practicing putting a positive spin on all of the negative things affecting your life daily. When it seems as though your whole day is being ruined by a string of negative events, and you are allowing all this to overwhelm you, that is when you can most benefit from positive thinking activities.

The key is not to let these unpleasant events consume your energy and life. You must learn to redirect the negative thoughts that result in accordance with a "bad day" into positive thoughts. Whenever you find yourself spiraling down into the pit of self pity and despair, concentrate on using the art of positive thinking to overcome your situation. It is easy to succumb to your negative thoughts when you are going through a difficult or trying time.

For example, perhaps you are concentrating so much on all the small things that go wrong at work that you forget about all the accolades and compliments that are normally the mainstay of your job. So what if you had a bad day or two, you must learn to focus on all the positive aspects that are a larger part of the scheme. Once you learn this, you can really experience the gratifying effects of positive thinking.

Here's three tips on how to concentrate on being positive in any situation.

1. Always keep your cool and examine the situation you are in. In any situation you are in, know that there is a better way out.

2. When things have gone bad, and you realize that it could have been worse. Find out how and why it happen that way.

3. Finally, believe in the law of reciprocations. Know that whatever good you do, it will come back 100 times better than what you thought it would be.

As you go through life on a daily basis, you must stop and re-evaluate the situation if you find yourself thinking negatively. You must then redirect and channel your energy into positive thinking.

Once you learn to automatically implement this change of thought pattern, you will notice that your entire outlook on life improves. So go ahead and put the theory into practice, and you will soon master the art of positive thinking.